Monday, March 30, 2009

Sun/Mon HAPPY Days Tues/Wed Happy days Thurs/Fri Happy Days

Happy Monday - is there really such a thing?!?! Why sure there is (wink wink) . I hope everyone had a great weekend ...... I didn't really do too much of anything - lots of cleaning and organizing the house. I did finally watch Twlight - not bad, I wasn't sure what I would think after reading the books.....I thought it was OK.

Jaime at The Bare Family awarded me with the Life is Grand award!! And isn't it? Life is grand!!! Go check out Jaime's blog, she has the cutest little boy ever!!!

You are supposed to list why your life is grand and then pass this along to some fellow bloggies!!

1) God sent HIS Son to save each and every one of us
2) Life is grand because - HEY I'M here and I'm alive
3) I have the best husband EVER
4) I have the bestest kiddos anyone could ask for - I am blessed
5) My family is very AWESOME - and very close

I pass this along to:

The Polka Dotted Owl
Katie Lake

Hope everyone has a wonderful MONDAY!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Have I told you laaatteeely that I looove you?

I just have to say I have the most awesome hubby in the world. I was having a not-so-good day today, and was really upset. He called me - told me everything was OK.

He then sends me a text: smile. your platinum. love you

That text made me feel so much better. He is always there for me, he understands me like no one else........and can read me, better than I can read myself :-) Which is very hard. He does always know how to make me smile.

I have to say I feel like I'm the luckiest girl alive. I think I got the whole package.

Thanks to my honey for always always being there, and supporting me - taking care of me, and making me feel so special. I LOVE YOU!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm too sexy for my shiiirrrrtttttttt

I was tagged by the sweetness that is The Polka Dotted Owl with this sexy little award :-)

It goes as follows: You must list 5 sexy things about yourself, and then pass it on

1) I'm not always a "girly girl" I like to hang out with the guys (watch sports,play sports, play video games, etc)
2) I'm confident
3) My dancing (oh yes I can bust a move)
4) I am what I am - no faking...what you see is what you get
5) My freckles :-)
I pass this along to:
I could go on and on :-) Hope you ladies have a great night!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Five little ducks went out one day.......

Well I've been a slacker - I know this comes as a shock!!! It's just been so hectic in my part of the world (yea like it's not in yours).

Friday - I was off work...Braxton had a field trip, I let him skip it - it was just a kids day thing...and I kept Brylee home from daycare - we took a trip to Hilly to visit my family, and I got my hair did my my most awesomeness of a sister Abbi!!! She always does such a wonderful job on my hair!!! She is the bestest sister EVA!!! We had a good afternoon visiting and letting the kiddos play.

Friday night we really didn't do much - the hubs and I hung with the kiddos.

Saturday I had to work, we had the Wild Azalea Festival at my job/work. It was really nice - they have lots of music, crafts...and yummy food! Can't beat that. I don't mind working these events at all...I love people watching - you get to see so many ummmmmmmm 'different' people. My fav is the Florida Folk Festival - hee hee hee........loves it, I really get to people watch. I get to do the registration, so all Vendors, entertainers and volunteers have to check in with me :-)

Sunday was our typical Sunday, go to church, and have a yummalish lunch with the in-laws. I ended up taking the kiddo's to the Lake (Germs had softball practice) to feed the ducks. We stopped and bought a loaf of bread..........and then the fun began:

McKenna and Braxton feeding the ducks (and seagulls...they attacked). I have to add this is Braxton's MOST Favorite shirt......he loves this shirt.

Brylee wasn't too happy, the ducks would "come" to her

McKenna was worried they were going to attack her head

Brylee really gets into it.

See Brylee here...she is telling the duck what to do "COME here!"
We had a really good time - the kiddos enjoy going to the Lake - Germs usually takes them when I have to work on Sunday - this time was my turn :-) The weather was beautiful!!!
Please be in prayer for Stellan - he is back in the hospital....Mckmamma and her family could use our prayers. Visit her site - My Charming Kids for updates.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

my bologna has a first name its O-S-C-A-R

Braxton came up to me either Tuesday or Wednesday evening when I got off work, he says "MOM - I've packed my lunch....I'm taking my lunch to school tomorrow" I said "OK honey" He then proceeds to pull me into the kitchen and pulls out this ratty looking brown bag and tells me again that he has packed himself a lunch for school, that he wants to take his lunch tomorrow, again I said OK.

I went and sat on the couch, not thinking twice about big deal Braxton wanted to take his lunch - I thought maybe Jerimy had gotten him something special from the "grocery store" to take to school. (The grocery store in my kiddos eye's is the little gas station - they have to stop by every day after school for a snack when germs picks them up). So I ask germs if he got him something for school...he told me no - he didn't know what I was talking about.

Braxton comes up to me "MOM you want to see what I have for my lunch?" I say sure - he runs in to the kitchen gets his torn little brown bag and brings it into the living room...this it what we have:

Said...brown bag
Contents......Squeeze Kool-aide, fat-free chocolate pudding, apple sauce, and a fork - which looks like he had all ready been eating soemthing off of it........YES a fork (don't laugh...he eats his ice-cream with a fork from time to time)

He was so proud of this lunch.........He packed it himself. He was grinning from ear to ear. I said that is so good honey :-) Yikes - how was I going to get out of this one? I was just hoping he would forget come morning...what would the teacher think of me for sending this for my child for lunch?

Glad you asked because I have another little story about my wonderful PRE-K son. We have to walk him to class every morning - no sissy can NOT do it. Well at the start of the year, Braxton took his lunch - in his batman lunch box, which matched his batman backpack. I made his lunch every night...drew a heart on his napkin with a "I love you" on it. morning I walk in his class and his teacher informed me that Braxton needed lunch money.....I was like uhhh OK (they feed pre-K breakfast) so I thought well he must have to pay for breakfast. So I asked his teacher "OH they pay for breakfast?" she tells me no, this was for lunch. So I asked her - "well uhhh Braxton isn't eating his lunch?" (Not that I mind him buying that would be much easier - just do a lunch bank) She said lunch? Isn't that his snack?

My son has told his teacher that was his snack he was bringing (not lunch) - so at snack time my son was eating his lunch (while all the other kids got a pack of chips/apple/cookies) then turning around and eating LUNCH LUNCH from the cafeteria!!

The teacher told me that she thought it was a little strange - but Braxton was serious that his mom was packing his snacks. She proceeds to tell me they do provide snacks and they are free. I then tell her......UM that was his lunch - not snack.....that I knew they provided snacks (really lady come on!) We both ended up laughing over it...and I said it's OK - it doesn't surprise me. My son was making out like a bandit!!! Needless to say - I didn't "send" his lunch anymore.

I've been told by his teacher like he likes to tell "whoopers" sometimes...she says to me "I think he would make a good writer, he comes up with all kinds of stuff and he is so serious" I told her yes we know.....Yes folks I am scared of what he tells her - the more you listen to him, the more dramic he becomes.

The most resent story was..........I hit Jerimy over the head and Braxton had to call 911. The teacher said well we thought it was a whooper........I said umm yes - we've not had to call 911 (YET). So yes my son loves to tell stories - and he does look very serious...he'll even make all the faces along with it stretching his eyes - at times I even think he is serious. SIGH......what kind of mom does his teacher think I am........probably the type of mom that packs ratty brown bag lunches with applesauce, a fat-free pudding, along with a fork...........that's the kind :-) At this point, I really don't think too much can shock his teacher. This is the lady that runs out "THANK goodness you're here Braxton, we have 3 lizards in our class....I didn't think I was going to make it" Braxton darts off to class to catch the lizards for his teacher.

What would I do without my lizard catching, bug killing, tall telling story teller....dirty nose - I'm a boy-boy, get out of my way I'm coming through son?

I really don't know what'd I'd do because BOYS will be boys, he keeps my life exciting - and I'm loving every minute of it! He is one of my three angels (even though those halo's are sometimes held by horns).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lovin' every minute of it

My wonderful friend The Polka Dotted Owl at The Magic Risotto Diaries honored me and some other ladies with a award. She is SO awesome you all need to go over and check her blog out - it is a FUN read!!!!!! Thanks sweetie!!

She awarded me with the Kreativ Blogger Award.

Here are the Award rules:

List 7 things that you love, and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you love! Be sure to tag them and let them know that they have won. You can copy the picture of the award and paste it on your sideboard letting the whole world are Kreativ!


1) God

2) My Family

3) Reading

4) Sports

5) Shoes

6) Writing

7) Cooking

I tag:


Ms. Heels

Katie Lake



Mrs. Cup

Mandy Rose

Love your blog ladies!!! I have so many that I love to read!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pack it up, pack it in...let me begin - I came to win ( JUMP JUMP)

Ms. Heels from A balancing Act in Heels is having a give-away .... for her 100th post!!!! What's she giving away? Well........I'm glad you asked - this is it:

1) Not 1, but 2 Spring 09 Scarves from Michael Stars! [Adore his new accessories line!]
2) "Dance" Walligraphy by Danielson Designs
3) A Set of Notecards [The birdies are adorable!]
4) Yankee Candle in "Vanilla Lime"
5) And everything will come in this cute basket, ready for Easter!

You need to check out her blog - it's really cute and a FUN read!!! It's a Spring Give-Away...JUMPJUMP - you'll see what I'm talking about ;-)


Seeing how it's Wednesday - and they tend to be "WORDLESS" on most people's blogs..I'm daring to be different today.....and besides - wordless in my household is something that has NO value!

Just kidding - no really I'm not. You know how it is when your child (those who have them) you're always trying to get them to talk..and it's ol' so cute........I just want to for-warn you - once they start - THEY DO NOT STOP!

My girls are the worst - but isn't that how most of us are? We have something to say and my goodness we want someone to listen. My youngest Brylee - she starts from the time she wakes up until she literally closes her eyes - and if you do no acknowledge that sweet little voice - she will put her nose to your nose until you say something :-) I call her my little duckling - she follows me everywhere "momma what'chew dewin?" "momma"..."momma"

I was talking to my sis Abbi (A tid bit of Taylor) about the kiddos this morning. My son HAS to know exactly where you are at all times "MOM, what chew doing?" and I'll answer..then he'll say "OK juz checkin" We have played little tricks on him....sneak to the back door...shut it loudly - you'll hear the paddering of feet bursting through the house...."Who's that?" "Who's HERE?" "MOM?!?!?" "Where you at?" "What was that - I heard that door"

Isn't that horrible? Why would we play tricks on our kiddos? For pure entertainment - ha NEVER!

I think I'm beginning to's something I never ever do ~cough cough~ I took some excedrine I still have a head-ache and it's full of caffine....something that I really need, and I feel like I'm climbing the walls. I had every intention of just posting about Ms. Heels give-away and I got carried away........see how I'm doing it right now? Geez, get a hold of yourself girl.

Ok...I'm stopping myself right here - right now, before I start telling my secrets. Just kidding I don't have those. Well maybe I do have some thing - you guys that don't know me that well. I'm doing it again........Ok lastly can I just say It's a nice sunny 85ish degrees here today!! I am so happy for this weather!!!!!!

Have a wonderful Wednesday Ladies!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Taaaake me out to the baaaalllll game ..............

We had a pretty good weekend - Friday night we grilled with the in-laws ....yummy steak. Saturday me and the kiddos (minus McKenna, she stayed at grammy and grandaddy's) went with germs to his softball tourney in Jessup. It was a beautiful day - the had a play ground and we had nice 80+ degree weather!!!!

The fella's before a game

Braxton patiently waiting for daddy to back into the dugout so he could go dig in the dirt

Brylee having some fun

Braxton and Brylee having a blast

Bry taking a turn at tee ball

Brax taking a swing

It was a lot of fun!! 'Cept.......with me sitting under those pine tree's...and sitting in a cloud of dust that my son stirred up............I ended up with a wonderful sinus headache..which made me very nausated. I ended up in bed on Sunday - still sick. I pretty much layed around all day. The kiddos went to church with I had the house to myself most of the day. I started feeling better that evening...and feeling much better today. Thank goodness...I hate when I get bad sinus headaches...they make me sick all over!!!!
So anyway that was my weekend - over all it was very nice!!!! I enjoyed the time with the fam!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rollin' with my homies

All righty...I have uploaded "a few" pictures from the weekend - I say a few because I took around 100ish :-)

Getting ready to go into the pits.....patienty waiting - holding his book, for getting autographs.

Kenner and dad - while we're tail-gating
Yea......he's going to be a model - excuse me, but are those bugel boys you're wearing???

OH YEA...............THIS is how we ROLL
I know you're was delish!

Avenger........he's a hoot

Escalade.....McKenna thought he was HOT and loved his hair

TAZ - this is "grave diggers" son

GraveDigger - one of the ba ba ba bad..............bad to tha' bone

OK...they had trailer races...................this was SO funny - we laughed so hard. They had to keep their trailer attached the whole race.

We had a awesome time......wonderful weather - it was in the 80's during the day, turned off a little cool that night, but all in all great weather!!!!!
Well ladies have a great night!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ba ba ba ba ba bad.....bad to tha' bone

This is going to be a quick's getting late - and the hubs needs to do some work on the computer. Just wanted to give a quick update I haven't blogged lately - so much has been going on - or it feels like it. Saturday we went to the Monster Truck Show - we had such a blast! We had pit passes, got there around 12:30.....took pictures with the drivers - then we headed out to the parking lot - we take grills, we grilled hamburgers and hotdogs.......mmmmmm delish!!

We hang out there until it's time for the show, 7:30. It's a blast actually and a lot of people do it. We started last year - beats paying 8/9 $ for a hamburger inside!!! is one pic of us - I'm going t post more later, I'm having issues with trying to add pics. So this is a preview :-)

Braxton loves to make faces in pictures (always) Brylee stayed with Nanny...she can't sit still long enough yet!!!