Brittney from Somewhere in the middle tagged me with this little tag. If you haven't been to her blog you should!
4 jobs I've had:
1. Lifeguard
2. Word processing systems operator - HRS
3. Claims benifit specialist - Aetna
4. Admin Assistant - DEP
4 movies watched over and over:
1. Dangerous Beauty
2. Tombstone
3. Lord of the Rings
4. Anchorman
4 places I've lived:
1. Hilliard, FL
2. Satsuma, FL
3. NC
4. White Springs, FL
4 shows I watch:
1. Survivor
2. CSI - vegas
3. ER
4. House
4 places I've been:
1. New York
2. Texas
3. New Orleans
4. Mountains
4 people who e-mail me regularly:
1. Mr. Ron
2. Mom
3. Tonya
4. Rose
4 favorite things to eat:
1. Mexican.
2. Italian
3. Icecream
4. Potatoes
4 places I'd rather be:
1. Bed
2. Mountains
3. The lake
4. shopping
4 things I look forward to this year:
1. Being closer with God
2. getting into shape
3. vacation
4. being with my family
4 people to tag:
Polka Dotted Owl
Ms. Heels
Katie Lake
Have a great night ladies!
Time goes by so quickly....days turns into weeks, weeks into months, months into thing you know your baby is 11 going on 18. I cherrish each day with my children and my family - time passes by before we know it.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Slow ride........take it easy
Well the hubs and I went car shopping this weekend - we've actually been looking around for a while - doing a lot of internet searching. We started Friday evening for a place we had been talking to - we thought we had one we liked...but I...well we weren't too impressed - on the way back home we stopped into another dealership - found 2 we liked. We've been looking at the Dodge Durangos - we really like those. We were in the need for something with a 3rd row. We're out-growing our 4 runner. I'm not ready for a minivan quite yet......we wanted a SUV.
Well we got a call back Saturday morning - everything went through with the Durango - payments we wanted and everything. We road back into Jax - (about 1 1/2 hr drive) signed the papers and drove home our new vehicle. Here are a few pictures - and how nice it all ready came with a DVD player - woot woot....entertainment for the kiddos!!
So this was the main thing we did this weekend - it went by WAY too fast.....I don't even feel like we had a weekend!!!! That's OK - I'm happy - and loving the new car!

Well we got a call back Saturday morning - everything went through with the Durango - payments we wanted and everything. We road back into Jax - (about 1 1/2 hr drive) signed the papers and drove home our new vehicle. Here are a few pictures - and how nice it all ready came with a DVD player - woot woot....entertainment for the kiddos!!
So this was the main thing we did this weekend - it went by WAY too fast.....I don't even feel like we had a weekend!!!! That's OK - I'm happy - and loving the new car!
It's like magic
Well my good bloggie friend The Polka Dotted Owl tagged me with a few awards. She is SO awesome - if you haven't checked out her blog you should - it's def worth the read!!!

I'm going to tage all the ladies on my bloggie list!! You all have wonderful blogs and I enjoy reading them all!!!! Hope all of you are having a great weekend!

Had to come back and edit..........check out this great give-away from Life of a Single Girl she is having a AWESOME giveaway!!!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Dream on
You ladies are NOT going to believe this....but The Tale of a Southern Belle is giving away one of the most awesome give-aways!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Row row row your boat
OK...I will tell the tell of my little canoe trip. This was an event we put on in relation to my job. It was "Step up Florida" promating excercising - something like 60 minutes a day or some such :-)
Well - we coordinated a canoe/kayak trip and a hike. I work for the State Park system, so I get to work along with this sort of stuff quite often...the "park" I'm with actualy highly promotes hiking/biking/canoe/kayak.
Ok on to my story. This was only a 3 mile trip - I took along my handy dandy camra to take pictures of the of course I was sitting in the front of the canoe to capture ev-we-tang. I'd snap snap snap...then we'd paddle paddle paddle and catch up to everyone. Well I was in the process of snapping when we came along to this portion of the was actually moving pretty swift......and there was a large mass of lime stone in the middle of the river. I happened to look forward, putting my camra down and we were heading straight for the lime stone....canoe turning sideways - moving along the swift current. I panicked - and I am so ashamed to admit this.....I squeeled - yes like a girl. I never ever scream.......but I belted out this screech. I grabbed my paddle - and the lady with me was of course giggling........I just didn't feel like getting wet - it was cold out. Needless to say we didn't tump - but we rocked the boat. My life flashed before my eyes. I did end up laughing after the fact - but at the time I was worried about straightening out our canoe, and not flipping! I was so embarrassed, I didn't want anyone to have heard me scream - I am actually shocked no one did. BUT the lady with me did tell on me - hussy! LOL
I love the water...........but I'm more into skiing :-) I mean I can handle myself in a boat - on the river....I'm just not a fan of the canoe.........I'd take a kayak (more stable) It didn't help the lady with me was a watermelon tail!
So there you have it ladies.....I was a sissy baby this day - I squeeled (not like a pig)....but like a little girl.........sigh the shame. And Abs...I didn't snort actually on this one :-) I know shock!
Well - we coordinated a canoe/kayak trip and a hike. I work for the State Park system, so I get to work along with this sort of stuff quite often...the "park" I'm with actualy highly promotes hiking/biking/canoe/kayak.
Ok on to my story. This was only a 3 mile trip - I took along my handy dandy camra to take pictures of the of course I was sitting in the front of the canoe to capture ev-we-tang. I'd snap snap snap...then we'd paddle paddle paddle and catch up to everyone. Well I was in the process of snapping when we came along to this portion of the was actually moving pretty swift......and there was a large mass of lime stone in the middle of the river. I happened to look forward, putting my camra down and we were heading straight for the lime stone....canoe turning sideways - moving along the swift current. I panicked - and I am so ashamed to admit this.....I squeeled - yes like a girl. I never ever scream.......but I belted out this screech. I grabbed my paddle - and the lady with me was of course giggling........I just didn't feel like getting wet - it was cold out. Needless to say we didn't tump - but we rocked the boat. My life flashed before my eyes. I did end up laughing after the fact - but at the time I was worried about straightening out our canoe, and not flipping! I was so embarrassed, I didn't want anyone to have heard me scream - I am actually shocked no one did. BUT the lady with me did tell on me - hussy! LOL
I love the water...........but I'm more into skiing :-) I mean I can handle myself in a boat - on the river....I'm just not a fan of the canoe.........I'd take a kayak (more stable) It didn't help the lady with me was a watermelon tail!
So there you have it ladies.....I was a sissy baby this day - I squeeled (not like a pig)....but like a little girl.........sigh the shame. And Abs...I didn't snort actually on this one :-) I know shock!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Sugar pie, honey know I LOVE YOU
Ahhhhh the day of love ~swoon~ hmmmm yea....I had to work today - yes I know yuckers. But thanks to my hunka hunka burning LOVE - The original vanilla puddin' pop, that would be my husband germs - the sexy sweet man below .... he made me have a very special day. Even though I was working.

He went out and started my car for me............SO sweet I know. When I went out I found this in my seat
Along with this..................together they were in my seat - I thought it was very sweet of him.
Well I get to work - I took Mr. Love Bear into my office, I thought I'd sit him on my desk. About an hour into work this comes in:
He sent me these beautiful roses to work - yes on a Saturday! I loved them, he absolutely made my day! Yes I was a total cheese ball! I love getting flowers at work, I don't care what anyone else says - it is a total upper, and it makes you feel so good! It makes me feel special. He has actually been known to send them from time to time - no holiday. I'm a lucky lady!
My honey is the LOVE of my life - I really don't know what I'd do without him. He always makes me feel special and loved! I think he is the WHOLE package, he is someone I can joke with, tell anything to, wrestle, give my heart to (attack).......and much much more. I love him now and forever. I feel truly blessed. He has given me more than I could ever ask for. I love you sweetheart.
He went out and started my car for me............SO sweet I know. When I went out I found this in my seat
Friday, February 13, 2009
OH sweet Valentine
One more day til the day of LOVE!! Well I have to work tomorrow - oh yes yuckaroooooo!! That is OK though. Last night the kiddos and I got Valentine's ready for their parties today. I got things ready for daycare, pre-K, and school.
Before ..... getting ready
Working soooo hard on those Valentines!! He gets so made if you ask him if he has a girl friend - he'll say "NO, I don't have NO girlfrien"..........his teacher drew a heart on his hand for doing good, we kidded him about it..........he got really mad - I DO not like her, she is NOT my girlfrien!!!!
The girls working hard..........Bry just wanted to eat the candy.
Braxton showing off his handy work
Just had to show this -isn't it cute? I cannot take credit for it, but next year I will be making these. Braxton and Brylee's Sunday School teacher made them...she comes up with the cutest ideas. It's two kisses, a heart for ears...of course you need the eyes, and nose...but so easy and so cute!!!!
mm mmm what is this? Funfetti?? Oh yes how can you go wrong with FUNFETTI? I decided to make cupcakes for McKenna's class - you know 6th graders don't really do the 'kiddie' stuff I thought it would be a nice idea to do this for them.

I did add red food coloring to make them pink/red......oh yes I am soooo creative!! :-)
The finished product...added some little candy hearts - such a master piece!!! hee hee......I'd eat them!!!
I did add red food coloring to make them pink/red......oh yes I am soooo creative!! :-)
Well I hope you ladies have a WONDERFUL day!! I'll be heading out soon, I have to pick up the icecream for Braxton's party. I'll be more than likely posting pics of that later :-) You know the motherly duties - who am I kidding......candy, cake......cookies - icecream...yea twist my arm to be there!!!
Hope you all have a GREAT Valentine's Day - if I don't post again before then!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
You're my cuppycake, gumdrop
Looky looky what Mrs. Cup @ My cup overflows is giving away!!!! That's right - go visit her site and check out her give-away!!!!!!!! I want it!

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Tag team back again....
I have been tagged by my good friend The Polka dotted owl who by the way has a awesome give-away going on...go check it out.
The tag is as follows:
1) Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house. No cheating!
2) I want to know how much it cost:) And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I’d love to hear it.
3) Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your bag.
This is one of my little obessions, along with shoes.....sigh - the loooove :-)
OK - below is the two purses, yes I said two purses that I carried today. I am one of those people that keep either a brown/black purse in the car.....I must match - it irks me not to.

I carried this Dooney & Bourke this morning to church - which I can actually carry this one when I do wear brown...I did buy it for that reason as well. I actually obtained this one with the hubs - on a trip to Universal Studios, we stopped by the outlet, I got this little beauty for only $60.00 - I thought it was a pretty good deal :-)
The Coach I carried tonight to church - or rather I was going to ....... I all ready switched over. We got to church, the kiddos go to kids choir, and Bry started throwing up so we had to leave. Poor thing - Brax had it Thursday, germs started last night........and now poor Bry! I'm doomed! Ok on to the purse - this one I got for Christmas - from my mommy (so I got it for free)!!! I'm so lucky. I do actually have some bigger purses..these are some of my smaller ones.

I had to throw this pic in of my wallet, it's a Dooney and Bourke....the hubs got it for me for Christmas...I've been wanting a BIGGER one...and he surprised me!!! I was sooo happy, I had been carrying my small prada one around - along with another wallet that held my check book. YES I'm one of those people that will carry this D& B with her Coach....Prada, and Channel. But I loves this wallet the hubs did grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!
The tag is as follows:
1) Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house. No cheating!
2) I want to know how much it cost:) And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I’d love to hear it.
3) Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your bag.
This is one of my little obessions, along with shoes.....sigh - the loooove :-)
OK - below is the two purses, yes I said two purses that I carried today. I am one of those people that keep either a brown/black purse in the car.....I must match - it irks me not to.
I carried this Dooney & Bourke this morning to church - which I can actually carry this one when I do wear brown...I did buy it for that reason as well. I actually obtained this one with the hubs - on a trip to Universal Studios, we stopped by the outlet, I got this little beauty for only $60.00 - I thought it was a pretty good deal :-)
I had to throw this pic in of my wallet, it's a Dooney and Bourke....the hubs got it for me for Christmas...I've been wanting a BIGGER one...and he surprised me!!! I was sooo happy, I had been carrying my small prada one around - along with another wallet that held my check book. YES I'm one of those people that will carry this D& B with her Coach....Prada, and Channel. But I loves this wallet the hubs did grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!
Have fun!!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce BOUNCE
First things good friend The Polka Dotted Owl is having her first BIG give-away!! You guys need to go over and check it out...and read her blog - I always enjoy reading it, it will bring a smile to your face!!!
Last night we did our usual Friday night outing...out to dinner with the kiddos, and a trip to Walmart - yes I know we're living it up!! We actually added some extra spice last night. A friend of McKenna's was/is having a slumber party tonight...well they got a bouncy house, and her mom invited us over to let the little one's bounce for a while.
SO...we bundled them up and let them go over and bounce for a while - they had a FUN time!

Well I'm about to BOUNCE....hope you guys have a fan-tab-U-lous weekend!!!! Don't forget about The Polka Dotted Owls give-away!!! mmuuuuaahhhhh!
Last night we did our usual Friday night outing...out to dinner with the kiddos, and a trip to Walmart - yes I know we're living it up!! We actually added some extra spice last night. A friend of McKenna's was/is having a slumber party tonight...well they got a bouncy house, and her mom invited us over to let the little one's bounce for a while.
SO...we bundled them up and let them go over and bounce for a while - they had a FUN time!
Well I'm about to BOUNCE....hope you guys have a fan-tab-U-lous weekend!!!! Don't forget about The Polka Dotted Owls give-away!!! mmuuuuaahhhhh!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Let's get physical....physical
Lookie Lookie what I got in the mail yesterday:
That's right..........I got my Flirty girl fitness videos!! I tried them out yesterday - not bad not bad. They just sort of teach you dance moves...a routine - step by step...then put it all together and you do the whole dance. Good thing is - I didn't feel like I was working out at all - and I did break a sweat. I haven't tried the "chair teaser" one yet....I'll be trying that tomrrow.
My legs are a little sore I did use some muscles that I haven't been using (apparently) lol. All in all - it was a pretty good video to 'work out' to. I don't think I'd like doing it everyday - it would probably get boring...we'll see.
Ok bloggie friends...hope you have a wonderful evening.
Another contest for you guys to check out - Blue eyed Bride !
My legs are a little sore I did use some muscles that I haven't been using (apparently) lol. All in all - it was a pretty good video to 'work out' to. I don't think I'd like doing it everyday - it would probably get boring...we'll see.
Ok bloggie friends...hope you have a wonderful evening.
Another contest for you guys to check out - Blue eyed Bride !
Monday, February 2, 2009
Get a pedicure, get your hair did ....
Well....I didn't get a pedicure - but I did get my hair did. I was off work today - first thing I had to do was take the kiddos to the doctor - FUN stuff....taking a 3 and 4 year old to the doc - they both of course had to go potty right when we got there.....sigh - it didn't take us too long. After we got the meds filled we headed off to my mom's salon.
Yes I'm pretty lucky - my mom owns a Beauty Salon, and my sister...My WONDERFUL bestest sissy in the world does my hair. That would be Abbi at A tid bit of Taylor :-) She is so awesome - she has been doing my hair as long as I can remember....I say that because before she EVER thought about going to hair school she and I would cut each others hair, and color it. I never went to a salon..and she didn't either. There was just no need to - we were cool like that! I honestly don't think I would trust anyone else to do my hair. So if you ladies (or gents) ever need your hair did.....I HIGHLY recommend Abbi - she is worth the drive!
We had a wonderful day together - I got to visit with the rents (my dad watched the kiddos while I was at the salon) got to have lunch with mom. It always just makes you feel sooo much better when you get to beautify yourself!!!
Thank you are the bestest ever!!!

Me and Abs.....don't you loooooove my look?!?!? The silver brings out the blue in my eyes.....
Yes I'm pretty lucky - my mom owns a Beauty Salon, and my sister...My WONDERFUL bestest sissy in the world does my hair. That would be Abbi at A tid bit of Taylor :-) She is so awesome - she has been doing my hair as long as I can remember....I say that because before she EVER thought about going to hair school she and I would cut each others hair, and color it. I never went to a salon..and she didn't either. There was just no need to - we were cool like that! I honestly don't think I would trust anyone else to do my hair. So if you ladies (or gents) ever need your hair did.....I HIGHLY recommend Abbi - she is worth the drive!
We had a wonderful day together - I got to visit with the rents (my dad watched the kiddos while I was at the salon) got to have lunch with mom. It always just makes you feel sooo much better when you get to beautify yourself!!!
Thank you are the bestest ever!!!
Me and Abs.....don't you loooooove my look?!?!? The silver brings out the blue in my eyes.....
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